Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Home School Month in Review February

February: Valentines Day, Moon Landings, Moon Phases, Similes, American Presidents, Ancient Egypt, Kindness, Determination, Love, Classic: Aesop’s Fables

Above are the subjects that I had planned before we put Jakob back into the Public School system. The following are the Home School activities that we carried out:

Valentines/Birthdays: We have a Scarecrow in our garden that we haven't been able to pull out of the ground. So we decided to decorate him in a Valentine costume with decorated paper plates. We also made Valentine and birthday cards for both grandmas and Jakob made a digital birthday card for grandpa Hunt. 

Math: BJU Press First Grade Math DVD
We have tried to stay caught up with this program on Jakob's Friday's and Saturday's. However, he is getting ahead of the program because of his schooling and his natural understanding of math concepts. So I will be skipping ahead past the Money and Addition/Subtraction to the Telling Time and other subjects. 

Gospel: We are still trying to get through our chapter book titled A Child's Story of the Book of Mormon. Everyone enjoys it when we are able to read. It's just hard to fit everything in. We do however read from our Devotional book every morning before Jakob goes to school. I love that it brings in the opportunity to read from the Bible every morning and then we read from the Book of Mormon each night before going to bed. Jakob also enjoys trying to read from the LDS Children's Hymn Book.
We also watched this documentary: The Fanny Crosby Story.
For Family Home Evening we all  love to watch Mormon Messages.

Reading: We read the little reader books from Jakob's school class. I am really happy with how much his reading has improved!

Turtle: The Incredible Journey

National Geographic: Super Chopper

The Planets: Different Worlds & Terra Firma

Landing on the Moon July 20, 1969

A Bear Named Winnie

Winnie the Pooh (2011)

Riddles of the Sphinx: NOVA

Titanica: IMAX

Secrets of the Dead: Lost Ships of Rome

The following are the subjects planned for the month of March. 

March: World War I and II, Idioms, Plants-Seeds-Trees, Individuality, Honesty, Ambition, St. Patrick's Day, Classic: The Arabian Nights: Their Best Known Tales

We don't do as much as I would like for Caleb's schooling. But I try to do something as often as possible. Even if it's just through Netflix.

Colors: Color Crew Along with trying to point out all of the colors around I have been impressed with the simplicity of this series. It is one of the first things that has helped colors click for Caleb.

Speech: Caleb's teacher sent home some flash cards that we could play games with at home. They are focased on the "K/C" sound. They must have helped because he did well yesterday at speech. In fact he did Really Well!

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