Saturday, April 14, 2012

Foto Friday More March

Somehow my phone saved more March photos in a different place. So here is another round of fun things I had almost forgotten about.

Most of these pictures are of the kids and their friends, including our playgroup. And  the other half are of the community fundraiser for the school called Donkey Basketball. Leif participated this year as a rep from the Fire Department. He had a lot of fun and we had fun watching him. I was a little high stressed because I Really didn't want him to get hurt! It's not unusual for a person to fall off the donkey or worse fly over the donkeys head. Luckily Leif did a great job working with the donkey's that her road and he only fell off once. No major injuries. It was fun and I think he had fun supporting the students. He's such a good sport!!

1 comment:

Sandra said...

I would be worried about the Donkey's pooping all over ha ha

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