Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A New Van! So Thrilled to Find This!!

I would be amiss if I didn't make a shout out of Gratitude for our new vehicle. We decided to go look for a van so Leif didn't have to borrow a car for school and we would have a vehicle at home that fit all of us and anyone else we wanted to drive around. We were thrilled to find this jewel right in our bracket of requirements that we had set before going shopping! We are So Grateful! I even took a big step toward overcoming a personal fear of driving long distances in busy places and Drove the Van Home From St. George! I was thrilled at my accomplishment, even if I did hit a poor little cottontail on the way. It Wouldn't Move!! 

2004 Toyota Sienna XLE


Harmony said...

Congrats on the van and driving it home. I know what that means to you.

Lena Baron said...

Thanks Harmony!!;)

Sandra said...

How fun. Looks nice.

Heidi Hamilton said...

wow!! Good-looking!! Congrats you guys - you will LOVE it!

Melonee said...

Congrats!! I love having a van-- I'm sure you will too! It is very nice looking!!

indianist said...

Very nice informarion about How to choose a good air conditioner?

Lena Baron said...

Thanks Everyone! We are really enjoying it!!

Faith 'n Family said...

Congrats - I am so happy for you!! It looks really cute too :)

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