Monday, June 11, 2012

I Need to Hear From You!

Ok this is me being very open and up front. I am in one of those places right now when I just need to know someone is out there. So if you stop by here, let me know k? Thanks in advance.


Molly said...

I read your every post, even if I don't comment on them. Are you feeling unsure about the worth of this blog? I've done that, many, many times. No one reads mine except you and my sister. I almost quit and deleted the entire thing a few years ago. The blog gets ignored once in a while, but it can be therapy, so I leave it, write in it when I feel I have something to share. Still, I wouldn't mind having a larger audience. :)

I hope all is well. We enjoyed the letters your little guys sent us. So sweet. Is it getting hot there? Has summer begun? My kids finish school this week, actually, my oldest finished today. He is happy and I'm happy they have three and a half more days. Sending hugs your way!

Lena Baron said...

Thanks so much Molly! Yes, today was definitely "one of those days." Well, actually it was a good morning and now a good afternoon and evening (I hope). But a TERRIBLE midday. But it was good to hear from you. Thanks! It is Really hot here. But luckily the kids like the water and Praise Be for the trampoline! You've inspired me to blog tonight about our everyday happenings. I haven't done that for a little while. Thanks again!

Melissa F said...

OH . . we're out there reading and hoping the best for you!

Heather said...

I read everything that you post although I don't comment. We talk instead. Keep writing, it's good to hear how you are doing and it's good therapy. Love you!

Lena Baron said...

Thank you all Dear Sisters!! it's good to hear from you!

Melonee said...

Me too, me too! I'm here! I'm constantly amazed at your strength and courage to go on the journey you're on. Even if you don't feel strong and capable of enduring it, the rest of us know that you are and we are here to cheer you on and lift you up.

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming... :)

Lena Baron said...

Thank you Sweet Melonee. "Just Keep Swimming" Made me smile extra big. Thanks!:)

Star said...

Lena! I've been thinking about you a lot lately, which is why I check your blog regularly to see how you are doing. Sounds like a lot of things are turning out the way the Lord intended. I know it's hard to be without Leif. It's a tough job being the Mom and the Dad 24/7. Just letting you know I'm "out there" and listening to you. Keep up the good fight!

Janee said...

I'm here!!! And miss you terribly.

Janee said...
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Janee said...

I'm here!!! And miss you terribly.

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