Monday, September 17, 2012

Rough Day - Turned Good

This morning my alarm went off around 6:15AM. There was not a chance that I was climbing out of bed at that hour, no matter how bad I needed an uninterrupted shower. Before I knew it the clock was saying 7:00. Jakob's supposed to be out the door by 7:30. No one in the house was stirring. Not even Caleb who was out cold next to me in my snug warm bed... Time to make an executive decision: We were sleeping in. After all, we had a busy weekend.:)

Jakob finally woke me up around 7:45. He was very confused by my decision. I tried to play it down. I know, I'm TERRIBLE! But anyway, I thought since I had made the boys late for school AND breakfast I would make breakfast burritos. While I was making breakfast and the boys were "getting dressed" AKA "wrestling." I noticed that Caleb had a deep bronchial cough.wheezing. Then I noticed he was a little warm (after he cooled off from wrestling.) I decided to be "responsible" and keep him home from school.

By this time it was almost 8:30 and Jakob realized how late he was going to be for his "Morning Work" portion of class. He was distraught and by now I was Exhausted again (seriously ridiculous!) I finally got everyone in the van and Jakob to school. Luckily he had chilled out a little bit and was able to compose himself and go to class (turned out his teacher this year is A LOT more laid back about tardy's than last year, THANK YOU!!!)

So, I walked into my house after dropping Jakob off and it seriously looked like a bomb had gone off, or maybe a toy-filled cannon at least. Wow! I had so much to do and I simply could NOT get the strength to do anything. Nothing. I was even struggling to focas my vision enough to lay down to read. Not to mention that I had y sweet high-maintenance Caleb home who HAD to have my help and attention every five minutes. By 10:00 I couldn't stay awake another minute. I put JJ in his crib (he was ready for his nap as usual.) And I really thought Caleb might fall asleep too. No Luck! I tried and tried to be nice and help him to just find a way to play or sleep quietly so I could get some sleep. It just wasn't happening:( So unfortunately I had to just close his door and lock it (yes, I occasionally lock my kids doors. That's what you do when you're bedroom doesn't have a door to lock.) Anyway, I put in earplugs and fell into a fit full sleep. Eventually Caleb fell asleep. But he did scream the last part of my nap because I had a nightmare that I was trying to take care of my kids that were screaming but my head was pounding and I couldn't get my ears to hear clearly. Finally I pulled myself out of the dream and opened Caleb's door. However, I could Not wake up. I managed to drag myself to my lap top and put on his favorite Netflix (Might Machines.) And I fell back into bed. Around 1:30 I finally started to come out of the fog I was in. But I felt like a dead weight. I needed food and medicine. My body hurt all over. But honestly, I couldn't make myself get up (I kept praying for strength) until JJ started chattering and calling out "Maaama, Where are yooou!" How could I not get up for that!? My sweet little buddy!

Before JJ went down for nap he Really wanted a marshmallow. I told him he had to wait until after nap. So the first thing out of his mouth as I got him out of bed was ""Marshmallow!" That motivated me to make rice krispie treats. After all, I needed to eat, right!? They were a yummy treat. But even after eating plenty of them I still couldn't get going with cleaning up. It is really hard on days like this!!!

Well, 2:45P rolled around and I loaded the boys into the van and we picked up Jakob from school. By 3:30 I knew I was in BIG trouble. I had four more hours and all three boys at home. I had a disaster surrounding me and Leif is scheduled to be home tomorrow afternoon. I REALLY wanted to have the house clean and the toys organized and de-junked when he got home so we can jump into bigger projects. But I Could Not get up to do more then absolutely necessary. I finally resorted to caffeine.  On my rough days I sometimes sip a Crystal Light Energy and one 20oz can last me two days. Today I drank the whole thing in the last four hours of the day. And mercifully, the boys and I were able to get the house put together, dinner eaten and cleaned up, and scripture and prayer with Papa over Skype. I am SO grateful!!

Tomorrow I will Hopefully (and most likely) take both boys to school on time. I am hoping to get the toys sorted through and half of them boxed up, and the floors vacuumed, all before Leif gets home. Wish me Luck!!:)...


Heidi Hamilton said...

I love your honest writing Lena. I have had similar days and it is rough & you have to do what you have to do to just get through the day. Glad it ended well. Love ya!

Faith 'n Family said...

I enjoy reading your blog, even though this particular day does NOT sound enjoyable :)
Sorry to hear you had a rough one...Please call me if you need a break, our kids play really well together!

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