Monday, October 01, 2012

That's More Like It!

Yesterday was a really hard day. I'm happy to say today was a lot better! I was able spend some time this morning in Caleb's Head Start class. Then JJ and I came home and I was finally able t sit down to luch and make a call to my sister.  I cherish her friendship! After lunch JJ and I took a nap and then we ran (ok, drove;) in to town to do a few errands after we were rested up. On my way home I was able to stop by to visit a friend who is moving into a new home. I was able to stay for a while and help her unpack some boxes. This was a great blessing for me! While there my dear Mother in Law called to tell me that she had surprised Caleb and picked him up from school:) That meant the boys wouldn't let her get away for a few hours after school. Which meant I was able to tackle my kitchen and make dinner without the kids under foot. By this point I was utterly exhausted! But my prayers were answered and I was blessed with a second-wind. I was able to get all of the boys showered and fed in time for a great Family Home Evening on Skype with Grandma and Grandpa Hunt. This was the first time we've done this and it was a Great Success! Thanks to Grandpa Hunt who prepared a great age-appropriate lesson, including pictures, on Loving Others and Service, and Grandma for sharing her thoughts and feelings along with Grandpa. The boys ended up really enjoying their time visiting and Jakob delighted all of us by closing the FHE by reading a Hunt family  favorite called "The Monster at the End of this Book."  Overall it was a good a day and I am so grateful for the love and support that I am blessed with every day!


Sandra said...

what a great idea to do a FHE over Skype.

Faith 'n Family said...

This was a great blessing for Me too!
Thanks so much for your thoughtfulness and help! It meant alot!

Harmony said...

Hey I love that book too! That is my favorite childhood book. We read it till it fell apart. The sad thing is I have not read it to my kids and I know they would all love it. I am going to have to see if I can find a copy of it.

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