Saturday, February 23, 2013

Foto Friday: September

September 2012 was a good month. We were back into a school routine and still feeling the rays of the sunshine and the beauty it brings. We also felt the need to prepare and winterize the yard for the kids and I. This being written in February, I can say I am really grateful for Leif's willingness to take his few spare moments and build me a cover for the stairs. It has protected us many times from potentially slippery stairs and frustrating mornings trudging down the stairs. Thank You My Love!! And thanks for including the boys i n the project! I was feeling crafty in September too. I worked with weathered wood quite a bit and worked on my Head and Window Boards. It was a lot of fun! I would be amiss if I left out the fact that Leif surprised the boys by coming home one evening with the firm intention of building them all a pair of stilts! Yep, Stilts! Fun Fun indeed!!  And finally, a special thanks to Uncle Erik and Aunt Stacey for continuing to open their home to us during my lonelier times. Such a precious blessing!!

1 comment:

Harmony said...

Beautiful photos I love how you capture the moment!

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