Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Lupus Update

We finally went to the doctor today. I really dislike going to the doctor. It is rare that a test ever tells me anything and Lupus is so complicated it's just exhausting to try to talk to a general practitioner about it. Today we took a few big steps forward though.

My doctor agreed with the other doctor that I have been working with that yes, indeed, we are most likely dealing with Lupus even though the blood work isn't completely cooperating with the conclusion. But as my doc reminded us today, there are several tests that help determine Lupus and I have only had one of them done. They have decided not to do any of the other tests because the plan is for me to find a Rheumatologist in Missouri when I get there. It is always a little validating to have a second opinion who agrees with the first.

We decided to start me on medication for the Lupus. I've avoided this because of possible side effects. But I need to try to regain my strength. So I'm going to start a one month round of Prednisone tomorrow and I have been taking plaquenil for about a week. Prednisone is a steroid and should help within a week or less. The other medication is complicated and it might help within 4 to 6 months. The key word is help. This is what I hope for.

And finally, the doc wrote up an order for me to have an abdominal/pelvic CT scan done. Lupus is known for randomly attacking different organs of the body. In the beginning of this flare up I went in to the ER with severe pain in my upper left abdomen. The pain has subsided over time but hasn''t gone away completely. Yesterday I had to lay down because my insides felt so swollen. I felt pregnant. It's really bizarre! This is a pretty bad flare. Anyway, I went off of all anti inflammation meds for today and tonight and my scan is in the morning. It will be interesting to find out the results. I should have them by the end of the week.

So there's my update.:) Time to get the kids into bed. G' Night for now!

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