Sunday, September 22, 2013

More Facebook Posts - Have Fun!

- Sorry the mess is my blog template's fault!:) -

September 17, 2013
JJ on our walk around the ranch today: "Those are Tractor Poop!!" ... Man! I Love that kid!!:)
Photo: JJ on our walk around the ranch today: "Those are Tractor Poop!!"  ... Man! I Love that kid!!:)

September 16, 2013
Nothing will ever really compare to the home and land I live on now. We have been blessed with a special moment in time. I pray that we will take it all in and always be grateful! My boys are outside playing together, a storm is brewing in the clouds above, the kittens are nested down with their mama, chickens roosting in the coop, and my newest additions are safe in their pen. And soon we will sink our teeth into a dark chocolate cookie. Can't get much better then that! ... Meet our newest family members. We borrowed a couple of goats. The cream one is Billy. He is the well mannered leader. And the brown one is named Skitt, otherwise affectionately known as Sh*t!:) But not out loud of course *wink* *wink*!
Photo: Nothing will ever really compare to the home and land I live on now. We have been blessed with a special moment in time. I pray that we will take it all in and always be grateful! My boys are outside playing together, a storm is brewing in the clouds above, the kittens are nested down with their mama, chickens roosting in the coop, and my newest additions are safe in their pen. And soon we will sink our teeth into a dark chocolate cookie. Can't get much better then that! ... Meet our newest family members. We borrowed a couple of goats. The cream one is Billy. He is the well mannered leader. And the brown one is named Skitt, otherwise affectionately known as Sh*t!:) But not out loud of course *wink* *wink*!

September 16, 2013
Confrontation between Caleb and JJ: JJ: Caleb ate another of my crackers! Mama: Caleb you said you wouldn't eat any more!! Caleb: I DIDN'T! I just Licked Them!! ... Gotta Love em'!

August 6, 2013
Well, Leif Baron just called and his Nursing Exam is COMPLETE!! Now we wait for the score to come through in two days. I'm not worried. Well not Really worried;) It feels wonderful to have that exam off of our shoulders!! Thanks Nancy Hunt and W. Lee Hunt for taking our Little Ones yesterday so Leif could study all day and then for the Father's Blessing to close the day, Dad. Thank you for all of the support!!

August 3, 2013
Seriously a Heavenly couple of days!! Visiting with family that we haven't seen for so long - LAUGHING - Eating - LAUGHING - Eating - LAUGHING - The BEST!!

July 29, 2013
My Precious baby is Three Years Old today! What a priceless blessing he is to me and our family. Love my Sweet JJ!!

July 24, 2013
It looks like WE ARE HOME!  We thought that we were going to move to Springfield to be closer to Leif's work. But it looks like the Right plan is to stay here for a while. We feel peace and excitement at the blessing we've been given to live here. If feels good.

July 18, 2013
I've been able to rub shoulders with a lot of neat hard working ladies today. But I've been struck with one of those moments of sadness that comes after you've moved away from so many dear friends. My heart is heavy as I remember the feeling of seeing a friend across the way and knowing that they know your story, and you know there's and somehow that made life just a little easier to live. I miss you all! Just know you've been in my heart today!! Hugs from a beautiful but somewhat lonely place in Missouri... Please pass this on to our good ladies in Fredonia for me. There's no way I can reach you all myself:)

July 10, 2013
The boys are all splashing around in the tub after splashing around out in the sprinklers. The ice cream cones are tipped over and melting the last of their contents onto the little picnic table and the braided rope swing sways back and forth after its rambunctious workout with the three rowdies. The sun is casting its faithful pink glow through the trees in the north yard letting us know our day is coming to a close. Soon we will all dance with the fireflies as Papa drives up after a long - full - day!

July 4, 2013
Spent the day yesterday looking through houses and window shopping through an Army Surplus and Antique shop. Then headed out to Branson for a fun evening playing on the grass waiting for a very late night fireworks show. Headed home with sleeping kids and Leif and I listening to classic Jazz and Country music while watching an amazing lightning storm! Now we're preparing our own "Fireman's Breakfast" and going out to hang our flags. A Great start to a Great Celebration!!:)

June 15, 2013
We were shocked this afternoon to see that the Flash Flood Warning wasn't kidding. This flood is running right through the property we're living on. No danger to us, but AmAziNG to see!! And they say it's quite normal! Wowza!!:)

June 8, 2013
Today is the last day (other then Sunday) before Leif begins his official career as a Nurse. Can you believe it!? It's here! We've worked years to get to this day! Some of the most monumental moments in our lives come and go without notice or pause. Their lesson's come from the journey that led to the moment. But today we took a pause and noticed that the journey was long and the accomplishment is great and during our pause, we just played.  ! Here's to the Love of my life, my Soul Mate, my Best Friend. He is the one who keeps our family cared for in every way. You will be a blessing to every patient you come in contact with. I Love you and I will forever be grateful for your endless hard work to care for our family. Thank You!

June 8, 2013
Mama's Precious Jewels!

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