Sunday, September 22, 2013

Posts From Facebook - Oldies But Goodies!

May 30, 2013
We have made it to Carthage Missouri and quite possibly live in the same lush green beauties Adam and Eve were surrounded by in the Garden of Eden.... "Serenity." That's how it feels here on my uncle's ranch. We are living in the ranch house and feel privileged and grateful for the opportunity! We found a turtle this morning and named him Ranger.  The boys are in "Little Boy Heaven!:)" The only thing that would make it perfect is to have all of our dearly missed friends transplanted here with us!! Love and Miss you all!!

May 31, 2013
We had another great day today! There are some annoying things like ticks, humidity, and tornado threats (LOL!):) But no big deal!:) I still feel like I'm in a dream with the beauty that surrounds us. I will post pictures soon. We have limited internet on Leif's phone. I Love being able to walk and explore with my boys and sit on the porch or in front of a window and watch them when I need to rest. A true blessing! Yes, we have had storms blow through. Yes we've been in the red zone of the radar. But we feel as prepared as possible for a tornado and we're just enjoying the moments as they come. We have a code word for any storm big enough for hunkering down. It's "CRAP!!" I can think of another four letter word (or two), but I think Jakob might die of shock if I scream them out loud. So we settled for "Crap!'' But don't worry about us unless you hear of a town called Carthage Missouri, and pray for all of the others who have been hit by the "Crap!" We missed the storms in Oklahoma by two days. We were going to camp in El Reno. It is a beautiful place. We are praying for all of them tonight!

June 2, 2013
PICTURES FINALLY!! Such a peaceful place! We live in the Ranch House at the Westwoods' Civil War Ranch in Carthage Missouri. A true blessing to have in the family. The Ranch will be used as a wedding reception venue as well as family reunions and social events. There is a beautiful pond behind the barns and fields and forest surrounding the land on all sides. It's a little piece of heaven for sure!

1 comment:

Harmony said...

The pictures are beautiful! Thanks for posting.

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