Sunday, August 18, 2024

A Lesson on Motherhood


I'm happy to share my testimony in Sacrament today. However, speaking on Mother's Day is a tough one for me.  Mother's Day is a Very special holiday. Because Motherhood is a Holy calling and deserves celebration. 

But for most of us as women and mother's Mother's Day ends up being filled with an ocean of mixed emotions. At least that's how it is for me. When it comes to my relationship with my own Mother, we are friends and I Love her. But we are not best friends. And our relationship is actually a trial in my life. 

I used to dream of the day that I could celebrate Mother's Day as a mother. Now it's here and it's not all it's cracked up to be. For me, a large part of my Mother Heart is missing from this earth. And Mother's Day tends to be a good reminder of that fact. Along with our precious boys, we have twin daughters who passed away due to complications during pregnancy. They would be nine years old. I know I am not alone in this pain on Mother's Day.

With that said, I will share one of the greatest truths a mother can learn. And something that has blessed my life profoundly. I believe that if we can embrace what I am about to share with you today as a mother, then we will truly be able to feel the Joy of Motherhood that we are intended to feel along the journey.

I did not write this beautiful lesson. But I have managed to apply it during some very difficult years and I know that it is an inspired piece of writing meant for all of us to hear as women and mothers. 
(I must have gotten interrupted. Sorry, I don't remember the "beautiful lesson. "😆)

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