Thursday, July 16, 2020

It's time for a good ol' fashioned Family Christmas Update. Our family is doing well. We've officially lived in California one year now. Three months in Bakersfield and nine months in Huntington Beach.

Leif is working in Compton as a Permanent RN, no longer a Travel Nurse. He enjoys the hospital and co-workers and they Love him! His latest Evaluation was filled with praise and gratitude from the administration. Can't beat that! He is also finishing up his final year of his Masters Degree as a Family Nurse Practitioner. It's amazing to think there's a see-able light at the end of that tunnel. Leif and I finally convinced ourselves, and the ward leadership, that we will truly be staying here. Leading them to give us each a calling in the ward. Leif is serving in the Primary and I am in the Primary Presidency as second counselor.  Leif is an Amazing nurse (and Massage Therapist, which he still does.) But he is an even better Father and Husband. He brings a life and light to our home that can't be compared to.

Lena, well, I'm doing well! I am happy. And I have all that I could ask for. I have a testimony of my Savior and His gospel. I have an amazing husband. I have seriously, Seriously, amazing children. Especially my sweet baby who is currently my constant companion. Which I know was absolutely predestined for this time in my life. I live in a beautiful part of the country in a place close to the ocean, sunshine, and all of the conveniences of life that a mother could ask for. I am making good friends along the way. And keep friends old and new from around the world. My cup runneth over, really. On the harder days I have plenty of good things to keep me from falling too deep, for too long into the dark. We have finally narrowed down the names and diagnosis' to my ailments. Which has been a life long journey up to this point. And we are only steps away from getting control of a lot of the struggles I face daily. I feel very very grateful and blessed!!

Jakob. Jakob. Jakob is the linchpin of the family right now. His mood and influence determines much of how the rest of the house feels. Gratefully, he is most often cheerful, helpful, silly, and uplifting. Where ever Jakob is, there will be music. He revolves around listening to, exploring, and creating music. All different genres :)  Jakob has full blown ADD. So this means that he is a constant multitasker. For example, right now he's listening to his current music, while playing or watching his favorite computer game of War Thunder (currently a Fighter Pilot), and juggling his baby brother. Honeslty, that's a small scale example for him. Most of the time he's flipping through several different randon youtube things he's researching at the moment. All while playing and listening to music. He's pretty impressive. Jakob has a "presence" about him. He makes a big impact on whatever, whoever, and where ever he is. I love to watch him interact with the kids at church and school. He's so unique. Yet, they all admire him. It's pretty fascinating to watch. ... I don't love the kid or anything, do I ? ;)

Caleb, what would we do without Caleb!? Caleb "shakes things up a bit", every day. :)  He is showing so much progress in school. He's in the 4th grade and we love to watch his writing and spelling improve as he puts his mind to it daily. Caleb still has the kindest heart.

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