Tuesday, January 08, 2019

PMDD Game Changer

Yesterday I  went to my new Doctor. I've been waiting for this appointment for weeks. My plan was to apply the information that I've studied about PMDD and change some of my meds to see if I find something that helps me feel better, more.
The studies say that the med of choice for PMDD is an SSRI. Way back in the day, about 10 yrs ago I was consistently on an SSRI. We've come to realize that during that time the mood swings were not as ridiculous. Far fewer visits from Marge.
But when I have been on SNRI's for body pain (Cymbalta), then the mood swings are consistently ridiculous.  The Cymbalta helps my pain a lot. So I'll stay on that. But I've also been taking Wellbutrin to help with energy. Which is not helping. So I'll wean off of that.
So my doctor has prescribed the SSRI Celexa. And to help with energy and weight loss from bad holiday habits, she has agreed to let me take a round of Phentermine. When that's done, we'll talk about a stimulant to use as needed on the worst fatigue days.
So, here's to game changes and happier, healthier days ahead!!  I can't wait!

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