Monday, March 25, 2019

Joshua is 18 Months Old

This Little Man is 18 Months Old today.  This month is a right of passage month as it is the age that babies can start going to the nursery at church.  I've never truly been thrilled to let my babies go. It's not that they aren't safe. And I take them. But to me, this feels like the "kindergarten" of church and I always feel a bit sad when the time comes. Grateful for the help it brings me as he is never still for a moment and I have responsibilities to fulfill at church. But still sad that my baby is stepping into Toddlerhood and I hate it!

Leif and I marvel every day about the beauty of this little boy. The decision to have another baby was so scary and hard. But we are grateful Every Day that he is here!!!  Joshua is a Light.

He is finally healthy after a hard winter. He is eating food. He loves most things except vegetables. That's a first for our babies, actually. But hopefully he'll come around and find a balance. He still drinks a bottle before every nap (1 or 2 naps) and throughout the night (still wakes a few times each night. But is getting better about sleeping as he is growing). His bottles are where he gets most of his calories. We mix our own mixture of powder milks and formula to give him as much nutrients and calories as possible in each bottle. His tummy still seems sensitive to dairy but is happy with the mixture we have.

Joshua LOVES to climb and run!! He absolutely LOVES to be outside! And playing in front of the bay window is his favorite place in the house. He babbles and sings constantly. Loves to "read" books. And LOVES animals, cars, and dinosaurs.

Joshua is definitely "the baby" and the "last" child. To prove this point he has managed to create a bedtime habit of insisting on watching a show with Mama and Papa as he falls asleep at night. Honestly, we don't mind much. We love the snuggles with him and he falls asleep quickly.

Joshua needs a haircut. But "Man Buns" are in style and I intend to follow the trend as long as I can with his strawberry golden locks.

As you can tell, Joshua is the light of our busy growing up lifestyle right now. I LOVE watching my big boys interact with the baby. They all Love him as much as Leif and I. Each one of them having a unique relationship and way of interacting with him.

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