Things are looking up and Spring is around the corner. I'm not taking many pics or selfies these days. My face is still bruised from the mouth surgery I had last weekend. Had a couple molars pulled. But it's getting better. And day by day I'm feeling stronger. As we suspected my body was thrown for a loop as a result from the surgery. But gratefully my boys and Leif helped keep the house together and the baby cared for. They really amaze me. Their ability and willingness to help is such a blessing!
I've still been following the HCG Diet. Unfortunately, since I've gotten down to a weight that I haven't been for a long... long time, and because of all of the health events the past few weeks. My body is NOT letting go of any more weight at the moment. So I've decided to stop using up the valuable/Expensive HCG for the time being and focus on strengthening my muscles.

At the end of April I get to go on a trip to Missouri to my brother's wedding. I'm excited to see my family and to spend time on The Ranch and with the new horses and calves in The Arena. I'm also looking forward to cleaning myself up a bit and enjoying the time. I'm going to buy a new dress and shoes/boots for the wedding and a few outfits maybe. I'm going to FINALLY go get a decent cut/style and highlights for my hair. And, hopefully I'll catch a bit of a tan at the beach before then too. 😉
The big decision before then though, is to decide whether to take the baby with me on the trip. Only my parents and Jared have met/seen him before. I'd really Love to take him to meet everyone. Also, I think I'd be lonely and stressed if I left him home. I haven't left him more then a few hours before. BUT, it will be A LOT of work to bring him along. He's a baby and that means gear, naps, bedtime, snacks, fussing, etc... Do I have it in me to go it alone??? That is the question...
So, like I said, lots of good things happening and to look forward to. I'm So Grateful that Leif is willing to work So Dang Hard so I can spend his money. I sure do Love the man!! ❤ And I'm grateful Father helped me along the way to lose the weight that I needed to to lighten the load on my bones, heart, and soul. A true Blessing!!!
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