Monday, December 07, 2020

waiting for COVID19 test results

I have so much on my mind and heart right now. I wonder what I'll write before someone walks in needing something from me?

Well, CA is back on lockdown for COVID19. A few days ago I noticed that Joshua sounded sick again and had a low grade fever. Yesterday he was still unwell. Luckily, he had a COVID19 test scheduled in prep for his MRI scheduled tomorrow. So we took him for his test yesterday. Last night Leif and I were curious if the boys also had fevers. We were surprised to find that All of them had low grade fevers.😱. So today everyone's home except Leif, waiting to hear back about Joshua's test results. They all have fevers this morning. But Joshua's the only one feeling sick. It's so strange!! Of course I don't want anyone sick. But it would be nice to have Leif home from work...

Leif's scheduled to travel his first contract on January 4th. I'm trying to convince myself that the kids and I will survive. Last week was Hell Week. I barely got out of bed at all. Gratefully, I'm feeling better this week. 

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