Sunday, April 25, 2021

This Life Is Not It...

💗((((Yes! I know!!!)))💗  All of you with in the Road Dogs family have lost so many precious souls recently. 💗 I hope you don't mind me sharing from my heart for a moment some of my personal experiences and beliefs; as a mother, in 2006 I was hospitalized for months with a high risk twin pregnancy. Our identical twin daughters had a problem with their placenta. At 24 weeks gestation one of our daughters passed away. Her sister, Rhea, was still alive. Five days later I delivered them with an emergency c section. Rhea survived 9 days in the NICU. Her kidney's had not developed and we had to make the horrifying decision to take her off of life support and let her go. Fast forward 15 years. We now have 4 sons and I have a COMPLETELY UNEXPECTED spiritual calling to care for the frail and fragile animals of this earth. Sometimes it is through birth, and often I am called to escort them through the process of death. Both are incredible experiences! Through my journey as a mother who has known the greatest heartbreak and the brightest joy; and now as a foster mother experiencing the same; I have learned many profound lessons. The one I want to share right now is, it is all worth it! Every second of a life, whether seconds, hours, weeks, months, or years, it is worth it. And, it is enough!! We on this earth only have vision of of a grain of sand compared to the ocean of a life span. There is SOOO much more to life then this speck of sand here on earth. So very much more. As hard as it is to fathom, try not to get to weighed down by the ones who only get a short time on this earth. There's more incredible ocean out there for them then we can possibly imagine. 💗💗💗💗 Love to you!!! 

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