Saturday, June 05, 2021

So Much, And Nothing, Happening

There still is so much going on in our world. But these few days since Leif's been at work have felt really long and lethargic. I just couldn't get myself to work past the moment to moment. 
It's Saturday and the old primary song is ringing in my ears, " Saturday is a special day. It's the day we get ready for Sunday..." I'm Praying we can take that to heart today and get this appartment put together. 
I've realized that the post-moving is actually my nemesis. My adrenaline is shot. I'm exhausted. Yet, the job ahead is so much bigger then the one before. ... finding a place for everything. 
With this move we're not even in our house yet and I already know that we have too much stuff loaded in to storage waiting to come our way. We are trying to work out a plan to get rid of half of the stuff we have. It might come down to us going back to HB and sorting it out.
But even before that, we are still working on squaring away the mortgage. The latest little thing is Leif's job. He's a contractor. They're just now realizing this. So we're working things through with them. Hopefully everything just moves smoothly along.
I've been nervous that we're not going to love the location of our house and that it might feel smaller then we'd hoped. I know that seems like a selfish, first world problem. And it is. But I was REALLY hoping that this would be our last move for a long time. But... we'll just have to see.
Our new bishop reached out to us yesterday through Facebook. So that's Awesome!! A very good sign. We'll be able to go to the new Ward next week. This week we'll do Zoom.
I didn't call Joshua's doctor like I was supposed to. They've been waiting for our new insurance information. I feel really guilty about that. He's doing ok. But the heat when he goes out kicks his butt! He gets really tired and sore. He's started to be pretty dramatic about any tiny twinge of pain. So it's a little hard to tell what's drama and real. But it doesn't take me very long to figure it out.
This morning we get to watch Zachary, Heather's youngest, get baptized. Over Zoom. How cool is that!!?💗

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