Wednesday, June 16, 2021

We took the boys to see the house today. I knew that we were facing an unavoidable "situation."  I knew that the boys were going to be faced with the realization that the house is much smaller then they thought it was. I know Exactly how they feel. Especially Jakob. Jakob was the only one who is feeling and now having to work through powerful guilt and disappointment. Guilt for feeling disappointed. And mad that we're faced with it and it's unfixable. It broke my heart to see him so disappointed. He didn't say anything. He's too kind hearted. But I pulled it out of him and assured him that we don't blame him and completely understand.  
Gratefully, I insisted that we all go out for dinner and ice cream after at Leatherbys. Jakob said he felt a lot better after that.💗 But we are still faced with a reality that will be hard sometimes. Our house will be too small again. And the yard is extremely complicated. It will be beautiful. But sadly, I don't think we'll be able to stay there long. The thought of another move is Frustrating. 
Tonight I feel SO BAD for taking Jakob out of Oceanview High. I pray desperately that we haven't made a mistake. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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