Thursday, September 09, 2021

It has been a Really great 5 days, going on 6. We picked up our first litter of Foster Puppies on Saturday. Then added one more on Monday. It has been so much work (expectedly). Sadly though, our time with them is coming to a unexpected close.😭 I woke up a handful of days ago with a little bit of body aches and an itch in the spot where I had shingles a couple of years ago. I've medicated and it has been pretty much forgotten up to this morning. I woke up with sores in my throat and then I got hives 😱🤔 Sooo, rather then separating siblings in order to lighten my foster load, I'm going to pause a bit to get things back on track. Huge Bummer!! But I'm confident that we'll get things squared away soon and be back to the babies again soon

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