Sunday, February 02, 2025

Back to the Old Faithful Blog

It seems that all "outside entities" have been told they can no longer interact with FB. That means that ChatBooks will no longer be able to print my Facebook posts. Sooo, here we are. Back to old faithful. Blogging. 
It will be different. But likely pretty fun. Hopefully things on Blogger haven't changed so much that it's frustrating.  We shall see.

So, here we go! Family Updates:
Joshua will be EIGHT YEARS OLD in September! I can NOT believe that! That means we'll be talking a lot about Baptism for the months ahead. His primary president did a precious Baptism Preview will all of the kiddos who will be baptized this year. The chocolates say a little tid-bit of the baptismal covenants made at Baptism. I'll talk later about the Baptism Bear. So Sweet!
JJ had some friends over and they had an epic Nurf Gun battle. Molly is as cute and Loved as ever. Precious Times!

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