Monday, February 10, 2025

Elder Jakob Baron Missionary Letter

Week 83: And Thus We See...
This week we've been blessed! I've faced some adventures! I've been able to help lots of people, including other missionaries. God has gifted me with the talents I need to serve those around me. Often in unexpected ways. (for me at least) Enjoy this little story of one of my adventures last week,

“This [83rd] epistle, beloved, I now write unto you; in both which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance”
(2 Peter 3) 

1) Dearly beloved, and most cherished, I write unto you the feelings of my heart. Glory be to the Father who in his great goodness hath allowed me to write concerning my journeyings in the land of Colorado. 
2) Should I write sufficiently to you of the workings in this land, and the great manifestations of the Spirit poured out upon its people, you will know of the great importance to making these miracles known unto the whole earth. 
3) For thus I write according to the workings of the spirit which is within me. 
4) On the twenty-fourth day of the first month in the land south of Fort Collins, called by its people Loveland, because of its exceeding love, I and those whom God had hitherbefore chosen, took our cars, and traveled unto the gates of the city. 
5) Knowing the great power of our God, and the great need of LB, the son of someone, who had hitherto resided on the streets, but according to the great mercy of the lord, dwelt for a time in the household Clay. He himself of the church of God, and living uprightly before God. 
6) And it came to pass that according to the foreknowledge of the Lord, who had hitherto showed his love unto us in great power, called me and five others, men chosen out of the world, to enter into the household of Clay, for the edification of LB. He being a precious and chosen servant to the Lord. 
7) And thus was the company on that night, to the great astonishment of all present.
8) And it came to pass, that never before in the land had such homies gathered one with another. The words of Christ were spoken with great power, and with reverence. And thus we see how the pains of troubled souls were lifted. 
9) For who knows the goodness of God, and his matchless power? Who from one day to another can yet live without God in the world, and still yet live? I saith unto you, unto such it is to die, speaking of things spiritual. For unto those who seek the things of God, as spoken by his prophets, they shall find, and then yet live.  

I love you lots! 
with a grateful heart,
Elder Baron

PS. Thank you elder robinson for the idea for this scriptural email (:

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