Monday, February 10, 2025

Elder Jakob Baron's Missionary Letter

Week 84: Monkeying Around

Brethren, and Sisters, 
The time has come for us to regain control over Elder Baron. I'm afraid there has been too much monkeying around. Elder Baron has conducted swimming lessons in the baptismal font, filled his fridge with sparkling water and non alcoholic apple beer, and stabbed himself with a needle repeatedly while attempting to bind a new cover to his brand new wide-margin Book of Mormon. If that wasn't enough, he still continues to “teach, preach and work as missionaries do.” He seems to be motivated by an increasing number of self made “Words of the Prophets” Spoken Word + Music Combos. This is more dangerous than his previous exploits. We are afraid Elder Baron might accidentally “Ascend Mount Zion”, with a truly spiritual, soundtracked, distracted driving incident. The Great Colorado Fort Collins Mission is in immediate need. Elder Baron needs to “gird his loins” and “bridle his passions,” Lest the whole world will soon learn that extraordinary individuals are NOT lightminded, but ARE lighthearted. 

“Holiness to the Lord says yes to the sacred and reverent, yes to our becoming our freest, happiest, most authentic, best selves as we follow him in faith.” 
(Elder Gong October 2024 General Conference) 

Some quick explanation,
Swimming in the baptismal font.
I've taught my friend Carson in Severance for six months, and have taught him for another few months since I've been here in Loveland/Fort Collins. He is 9, or 10, (i forgot lol)- and scared of putting his face in water. (Sensory issues and all that fun stuff.) With permission, we had a lesson at the font and swam around in there to help him feel comfortable and learn to put his face in the water. He succeeded with goggles! We practiced blowing bubbles haha

Be good boys and girls and enjoy something good from God this week!

Love you lots,
Elder Baron

“Words of the Prophets: NotFindingNothing Edition”

My Photo Album, this next couple of days I'll be uploading a lot from the past while….

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